The Majorelle Gardens in Marrakech

Much like Mary Lennox in the tale of the Secret Garden, who is awestruck by what lies behind the door in the wall, so too was I enchanted upon entering the Jardin Majorelle in the heart of the Ochre City (Marrakech). They are a burst of colour and tranquillity and your immediate response upon entering is almost to lower your voice and speak in hushed tones.

The gardens were created by Jacques Majorelle and their journey of creation began in 1923. They were opened to the public in 1947. From 2010 the gardens have been part of the Fondation Pierre Bergé – Yves Saint Laurent. A memorial to him stands in the gardens and over 700,000 visitors a year take a break from the hustle and bustle of Marrakech to enjoy the calm of the  gardens. The gardens include a café, museum, bookshop and the famed Galerie Love and cover two and half acres.  Have peek below at some pictures from my visit.

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