I had the pleasure of being invited along to a cookery demonstration with chef Stephen Taylor Winter recently. It was part Bauknecht appliance demo and part One Tray Meals cooking demo, but all parts fun. Stephen is absolutely hilarious. It’s like cooking with an excited puppy (that is actually a compliment). His love of food literally pours into very dish, he is extremely engaging and I think the only time he stopped talking was to taste the food. He took us through a variety of dishes, which are all below and then of course we got to eat them all. I also now have serious oven envy after seeing what he was using. We got steamed chicken, roast lamb, roast chicken, a super food salad and dessert cooked in about an hour which is pretty impressive, so thanks Stephen.
Thoroughly enjoyable evening and I look forward to the next one. Oh and he also gave us the recipes for all of the below so if you want a copy just shout and I’ll be happy to share the love.