Ich mag Schokolade, or in English, I like chocolate. If you find yourself in Berlin and you feel the same, then the chocolate restaurant upstairs in Fassbender and Rausch is a must visit. Continue reading

Ich mag Schokolade, or in English, I like chocolate. If you find yourself in Berlin and you feel the same, then the chocolate restaurant upstairs in Fassbender and Rausch is a must visit. Continue reading
Looks like there’s a new ‘Pop Up’ coming to town inspired by Flavours of Ireland. A group called Centime Markett (yes two T’s) are behind it. Food duo Etienne Pittion and Mark Kelly are hosting a selection of food speciality evenings across Dublin city. They will be in various location and have varying menus but all will be focussed on local Irish produce.
Interestingly enough both Etienne and Mark both have musical backgrounds which have now led them to a love of food, which they are happy to share with you. They promise a night of quality Irish foods including a selection of Irish meats and cheese
First Venue & Tickets
The first is on Tuesday July 7th at 7.30 at Berlin Cafe on the corner of Clarendon Street and Coppinger Row. Tickets are €25pp and you can make a reservation with Etienne on Ph: 085 726 7327. You can also get them in Berlin Cafe or drop an email to hello@thepitch.ie
Flavours of Ireland The Menu
Pesto w/breads
Charcuterie (Cold meat selection)
Wild duck ham
Rillettes of pork
Ham hock terrine
Mixed leaves
Cheese Selection
Crozier blue
Corleegy sheep